Become a member
Whether membership application, more information or fee regulations – find everything you need right here.
Why should I join?
Access to long-term financing continues to be a major challenge. An adequate availability of financing options may certainly lead to a significant growth of orders. Ultimately, the German suppliers will also benefit from this. This sets the starting point for GeMaX. Thus, you are invited to enjoy the advantages offered by GeMaX as a supplementary sales tool for your company.
Further information on the advantages of a GeMaX membership can be found in our flyers “Max your Makers’ List” & “GeMaX Flyer Retrofit”.
How can I become a member?
To become a member, please fill out the membership application and send us the document by mail or email.
On what terms?
If you are interested to find out more about the membership fee for your company, please contact our member support by phone (+ 49-40 / 28 01 52-39) or just look at our membership fee regulations.
What comes next?
After joining, you will receive an official welcome letter with all further information for an optimal start into your GeMaX membership. You will also receive our directives, our NDA and compliance guidelines as well as a query about your marketing elements – enabling us to present your company on the GeMaX platform in the bast way. Furthermore, we will specifically invite your experts to events and meetings and add them to our mailing list for a focused flow of information on all current topics.
More information needed?
It would be our pleasure to advise you by phone (+ 49-40 / 28 01 52-0) or to send you detailed information as well as the admission form by mail. For the latter option, just fill out the form below: